Excel Import Plugin: Error reading [massImportAllowed]

Hello again. I’m trying to install the plugin described at Importing records from an Excel file - Goobi workflow Plugins (English) on my Ubuntu 18.04 server. Following the instructions, I execute the following:

git clone GitHub - intranda/goobi-plugin-import-excel: This is the generic plugin for importing Excel files.
cd ./goobi-plugin-import-excel/goobi-plugin-import-excel
mvn package
cp ./target/plugin_intranda_import_excel.jar /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/import/
cp ./plugin_intranda_import_excel.xml /opt/digiverso/goobi/config/

After restarting the tomcat server, the browser loads only the title banner, and the /opt/digiverso/logs/goobi.log records the following error:

/file:/opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/GUI/plugin_intranda_dashboard_example-GUI.jar!/META-INF/resources/uii/plugin_dashboard_include_processTemplates.xhtml @282,272 rendered="#{DashboardForm.plugin.showProcessTemplateMassImportButton and HelperForm.massImportAllowed and LoginForm.hasRole('Workflow_ProcessTemplates_Import_Multi') and ProzesskopieForm.availableProjects.size() eq 1}": Error reading [massImportAllowed] on type [de.sub.goobi.forms.HelperForm] javax.el.ELException

Have I missed something obvious in the installation?

Best wishes,

… For the record, the problem vanished after I made some adjustments to plugin_intranda_import_excel.xml.

Which adaptations were needed to make it work then? Can I add these to the documentation?


It was probably changing replaceExistingProcesses to false. The problem now reappears when I switch it to true.